Oh Dena, your article and life point resonate so for me! Though I am choosing the focus of my right livelihood/career/business, we are both at a certain point in our life. We are making difficult choices and conflicting emotions abound!
I just finished reading A Hidden Wholeness, by Parker Palmer, and one message stands out to me. He believes (and I agree) that we must sit in the "tragic gap" when none of our choices feel right. Meaning, if we sit with the tension long enough, another alternative, the right one, will appear. He calls it "tragic" because it is uncomfortable, painful, and the antithesis of society's norms... we run from discomfort! But I agree with him because every time I've rushed through big life change, I've left my true self behind. So this time I am trying to be patient. I am waiting for my soul to speak.
Wishing you the best as you go forward!