Michelle Thall
1 min readFeb 19, 2019


Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for the great read- it is the perfect thing, at the perfect time, as I pursue my own “personal legend.” Just read The Alchemist and the day after I finished reading it I started reading it again!! There is so much to consider, process, apply to one’s own life. I was googling to see what people thought of the line in the book “all things are one.” And then I found you and this article and your blog! I think I understand, but wanted to learn what others take this to mean. What are your thoughts?

I am following my own “omens,” so thank you for being here!!

And please keep writing. I dabble, as I have here on Medium, and know how hard it is to say no to all the outside voices and listen solely (soul-ly!) to one’s own. So often we aren’t able to appreciate the ways in which we touch people’s lives merely by being our true, best selves.

Keep the Faith! M-



Michelle Thall

Creator, Teacher & Learner on a journey to become myself — whole, well & happy — and help others do the same. Join the tribe @ TheWholeWellnessProject.com